Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The cyborge pt. 2

Chapter Two

July 15, 2012
I awoke to the bumping of the truck, the smell of old gas, and the sound of wind blowing by the truck. We we're drving down an old dirt path in a forest somewhere. I was alone in the back seat, but was strapped down and had my hands behind my back. Panic instantly set in, and I started to struggle. The ropes snapped easily, and made me jump. How did that happen? I asked myself. But before I could answer it, the truck stopped abruptly setting me off balance. I stumbled about, until I fel out the back, and rolled down a hill. I fell right into the side of a tree, but didn't feel a thing.
I stood up, and decided to find out exactly what was going on. I looked down at my hands, they were part metal, and part skin. The metal was steel, and reflected light every which way. I took off my shirt, and looked at my chest. It was a metal skeleton with all my organs still working, but looking pretty gross. I put my shirt back on, and started thinking. I had no idea where I am, or where to go. I was in a forest, with a single road behind he, and seeming endless trees in front of me. I decided to walk into the forest, it seemed safer then the road. The forest floor was covered with pine needles, making a crunching sound with each step. The trees seem to touch the sky from my point of view, with branches extending every which way, and most of them dead. As I walked through the forest, I heard animals from all directions, but they were always a good distance away. I walked about a mile or two, when it started getting dark. I had no tools, or any way to find food. I remembered something in the soldiers manual how to start a fire with any two stones. So, I made a pile with small dead branches, and hit the rocks together. Nothing happened, no matter how many times I hit them together, eventually I gave up and kept walking in the same direction, I was aiming north from the tree moss.

As it got darker, I noticed a glow coming from a small clearing to my right. I decided to walk towards it, hoping it was a house or some campers that could help me. As I neared the source of the glow, it was a house after all. A old abandoned shack, with a flickering light from a fire place inside. It was mostly brick, with straw on the roof, and a wooden door. I was started to get a chill, that I could feel inside me. It's going to be a long time before I get used to my new form. I walked up to the wood porch trying not to make a sound, but almost every step made the wood creak below my weight. The metal frame must have added more weight then I liked. I peered trough the small window, and what I saw made what skin I had left crawl. It looked like a normal house, with a bed in the corner, a warm color to the inside, and pictures on the fire place frame. But something about was wrong, I couldn't put my finger on it. As I opened the door it creaked, making me hesitate. I looked for any signs of someone living here, but it was empty. I closed the door, and instantly went to the bed. I took of my coat and boots, and lied down. The bed creaked just as bad as the door, and smelled of old sweat. I hadn't realized how tired I really was, so I pulled the sheet's up to my neck and fell asleep.

I woke up to the sound of birds outside, and a cold wind against the house. As soon as I took off my blankets a chill ran across my body, so I hurriedly put my shirt and boots on. It felt odd, the chill, it felt like it was blowing right through me, instead of on me. I walked out the door, and breathed in the morning air. The birds in the trees were chirping, but I couldn't see any. There was dew on the grass, making it reflect the sun, giving the ground a interesting look. As I looked around, i heard a truck in the distance. I hadent gone as far as I thought from the road.

Friday, December 14, 2012

The Cyborge

The Cyborge

December 9, 2011
As they walked through the gravel driveway, the world was quiet. The only sound that could be heard was their boots crunching as they walked. The leader opened a big metal door with a hiss and said “we got the body you asked for”.  Restoufen was a tall Russian, with brown hair, a short beard, black eyes that could see into your soul, and very strong. As they walked in, the scientist said “put the body on the testing table.”  He said impatiently. It was a male that looked around 19-20, with little to no hair left, a barely recognizable army outfit, and a critical wound in his chest. As Restoufen put the body on the table he had a bad feeling, but he couldn’t put his finger on it. As they left, he couldn’t help but think that something was wrong with the whole situation.
Chapter One
July 14, 2012
“It’s done!” Yelled the scientist excitedly. The body looked more like a robot than a human, with only his vital organs left, and what skin had not rotted away. The scientist sealed the door, and hurriedly went to turn on the power. “You know that it’s not possible to create life. Right?” asked his assistance.  “Ah, but it is! And I shall show the world my power!” As he said that he flipped the switch.
The lights went out, and a bright white light came from the glass test room. A loud screeching sound came from the testing room, exploding the glass, sending shards of it everywhere. The lights stopped flickering, and when the scientist got up from where he was hiding, the robot was gone. His creation was gone. Hitting the intercom button, he yelled “All guards, there is a test subject on the loose, stop him at all costs! Consider it very dangerous!” In seconds of finishing, the door flew open, and 5 guards ran in the room. They accessed the damage, and called in a repair team.

February, 29th, 1921. We have been on post for 4 days now, and no sign of the Germans yet. We set up a base of tents, and barricaded the road. It started raining yesterday and it doesn’t look like it will clear up anytime soon. That’s all for today, I was chosen for kitchen duty. –Trevor Bullsworth, 3rd private.
He put his journal into his footlocker, and walked out into the pouring rain. He was 6’1, dark blonde hair, bright brown eyes, and relatively strong. He was forced to join the army because he failed to graduate high school, so his parents sent him off to the army.  He walked to the kitchen tent, pretty much a tent with a table and a barbeque, and cook sent him to table duty. He started putting down plates with forks, when he heard something in the bushes. He slowly put down the plate, and looked at it, he saw a tiny reflection. Before he could yell, a stabbing pain went though his chest, and instantly everyone stopped what they doing and ran to help him. “In… the… bussshhhh…..” he didn’t get to finish his sentence. He didn’t have to. Everything turned black, and a ringing was replacing the words of someone telling him not to go into the light. But he did, he wanted to.

Suddenly, light.  Bright white light, coming from everywhere at once.  I jumped up and broke through a glass wall. I shouldn’t be jumping. I looked down and saw my hands, or what was left of them. I looked around the small metal room, then instantly knew where I am. Only the Germans could have done this. I walked to the door, and grabbed a pistol on a table to the left of the door. I opened the door and walked out into a army base. My instincts kicked in, and I ran around the front of the building I was in, then hopped in the back of a truck heading out. Then over the intercom someone yelled “All guards, there is a test subject on the loose, stop him at all costs! Consider it very dangerous!”  Test subject? Is that me? I lay down as we passed the guard post. I didn’t know where I was, where I was going, and what I became. Test subject. It was stuck in my head, making it impossible to sleep, but eventually sleep slowly over took me.